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HI98301P TDS Tester with ATC, 1999 ppm (mg/L) - Hanna Instruments 


HI98301P is rugged and reliable pocket-sized testers that offer quick and accurate reading of TDS. HI98301P has manual calibration faccility and it can measure TDS upto 1999 mg/L (ppm)

  • Graphite electrodes
  • ATC
  • Simple one point calibration
  • Easy to use
  • Economical



The DiST® family of testers is widely used for monitoring EC/TDS in drinking water, water conditioning, reverse osmosis, cooling towers, wastewater, laboratories, agriculture, aquaculture and aquariums, hydroponics and the printing industry.

HI98301P can measure TDS upto 1999 ppm


These testers feature an amperometric graphite electrode that provides better repeatability in measurements since they do not oxidize. An amperometric measurement of EC/TDS is based on Ohm’s Law, I = V/R where R depends on the distance between two pins and their surface. Oxidation changes both the distance and surface which will affect accuracy. The DiST’s non-oxidizing graphite pins are able to provide an optimal surface for accurate, dependable results.


When calibration is necessary, simply submerge the electrode tip into calibration solution (1382 ppm) and adjust the trimmer on the side of the tester.

HI98301P TDS Tester with ATC Hanna Instruments

SKU: Dist-1/2
  • Model: HI98301P
    Brand: HANNA
    Origin: Europe / Romania
    Warranty: No
    Stock: Available
    Discount: No
    Accessories: Available
    Delivery Charge: BDT 200/-

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