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Kyoritsu 2002PA 2000A AC Clamp Meter in Bangladesh

The Kyoritsu 2002PA is a professional digital clamp meter, with the ability to measure large currents up to 2000A AC. Comprising a 55mm flexible jaw, the Kyoritsu 2002PA allows testing on large cables and, as such, is ideal for the industry professional.

The 2002PA provides a large frequency range of 40Hz to 1kHZ (current measuring range of 0 – 1500A) and allows for output to a chart recorder, in order to record current variations. Safety features are integrated to the clamp meter including a jaw guard, a terminal cover to prevent the incorrect use of terminals and a double insulation protection. Various functions are also present including the data hold function for low lit conditions, a peak hold function to measure current variations as small as 10 milliseconds and a sleep feature to conserve battery power.


Product Review

  • Measures up to 2000A AC
  • Peak hold function
  • 55mm large flexible jaw
  • Data hold function
  • Wide frequency range from 40Hz to 1kHz
  • Double insulated protection


Kyoritsu 2002PA Features

  • Can measure large AC current up to 2000A.
  • 55mm-dia large tear drop shaped jaws.
  • Terminal cover to avoid the use of incorrect terminal
  • Peak hold function, Data Hold Function, Sleep Function
  • Provides a dynamic range of 4000 counts full scale
  • Wide frequency range from 40Hz to 1kHz
  • Output terminal for long term current monitoring
  • Safety design throughout confirming to the following provisions of IEC61010.

Kyoritsu 2002PA AC Clamp Meter

  • Model: 2002PA
    Brand: Kyoritsu
    Origin: Japan
    Warranty: No
    Stock: Available
    Discount: No
    Accessories: Available
    Delivery Charge: BDT 200/-

Declaration & Apologies

Here shown product picture and description maybe some different from the physical products. And here declare all prices are excluding VAT & AIT. But this is our promise to serve the best quality product and fast service to our clients.
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Cell: +880 1811 155717; 01612 526665
10 Hatkhola Road, Tikatuly, Dhaka-1203. Bangladesh

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