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Lutron WA-2015 pH/ORP, DO, CD/TDS METER Bench type RS23/USB, Data recorder 


Multiparameter / Water Quality Meter 

pH/ORP, DO, CD/TDS METER Bench type RS23/USB, Data recorder 

Model: WA-2015 

Lutron – Taiwan 


Key Futures:

* Professional bench meter for multi-function: pH/ORP, Conductivity/TDS, Dissolved oxygen.
* pH : 0 to 14.00 pH.
* ORP (mV): 1,999 mV.
* Conductivity: 200 uS/2 mS/20 mS/200 mS.
* TDS: 200/2,000/20,000/200,000 PPM.
* Large LCD with green color backlight.
* ATC (automatic temperature compensation).
* Real time 16,000 no. data logger.
* Data hold, Record (Max., Min.), RS232
* Optional electrode : pH electrode, ORP electrode, CD/TDS probe, Dissolved oxygen probe, pH ATC probe.
* DC 1.5V (UM-3, AA) x 8 PCs or DC 9V adapter in.

Lutron WA-2015 Multiparameter Water Quality Meter

SKU: WA-2015
  • Model: WA-2015
    Brand: Lutron
    Origin: Taiwan
    Warranty: No
    Stock: Available
    Discount: No
    Accessories: Available
    Delivery Charge: BDT 200/-

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Here shown product picture and description maybe some different from the physical products. And here declare all prices are excluding VAT & AIT. But this is our promise to serve the best quality product and fast service to our clients.
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